IMG_1601I had so much fun last Monday at Hotel Cafe! I’m still high from it…Danny T. Levin played horns, guitar and piano, I played electric and acoustic and a shameless (shame-filled?) ballad cover of “Blurred Lines” on piano, Fernando Sanchez rocked all kinds of drums, and JP Maramba bassed it out. To top it off, Ian Souter came up onstage to play trumpet alongside Danny for “Where I Belong” and “Everywhere You Go” at the end of the set. I had a wonderful crowd, good sound, and a super tasty cold beer at the end of it all with my bandmates. Can’t get much better than that…But I’m gonna try! :) xoxo
Tight jeans and high heels=rock n' roll!
Tight jeans and high heels=rock n’ roll!

Jealous_coverFrom my debut with mentor/producer Chuck Plotkin (Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan)…”Hash It Out” was THE most fun song to record on the album! We just jammed and jammed, and in the end had to cut something like 160 bars of outro. I’m going to play it at Hotel Cafe on August 12th (see Shows page for details). Hope to see you there! xox Hash It Out Get the album on iTunes..

(Photo by Brooke Wilen)
(Photo by Brooke Wilen)
Happy July! It’s hot! Africa hot! Tarzan couldn’t take this kind of hot! (Bonus–if you guess the movie that’s from I’ll send you a CD.) Gluten-Free Plum Sorbet (Makes enough for 4) When it’s this hot, you need some cooling music–this weekend I was listening to Suba, great music from Brazil!
  • 1 1/2 lbs. ripe plums, peeled and pitted
  • 1/2-3/4 cup light agave, depending on how sweet the plums are
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice (optional, but I dig the extra tang)
Pop all the ingredients in a blender and puree. Chill the mixture until really cold, at least an hour. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker and fix according to its instructions. *Note: If you don’t have an ice cream maker, no worries! Pour the mixture into a freezer safe container and stir every 1/2 hr or so while it freezes.. Done!! Serve with a delicious gluten-free cookie..In this case, Amy’s organic gluten-free shortbread cut through the tang of the plums beautifully! xoxo
All gone!
All gone!