Many of you have been asking me about my intrepid engineer and producer, Eric Peterson. A royally talented fellow, he is mostly very amiable and relaxed…We have a good time, working hard, joking around, commiserating together when the A/C is broken (which is always), sharing special moments. Of course, there are the occasional times when he gets…angry. Then the sword comes out! I try to avoid this.
That's not GOOD ENOUGH!!
That's not GOOD ENOUGH!!

Ended up at some good friends’ house for dinner last night…Dinner turned into my friend’s two turntables and old records–Bel Biv Devoe, Prince, Rob Base (!!), etc. etc. Everybody dancing, nobody dancing with me. Had no choice but to dance with a vacuum! At least it was a top notch vacuum…
Fred & Ginger--Fred is the vacuum...
Fred & Ginger--Fred is the vacuum...