First in an occasional series…
Did you know that the show “Cougar Town” used a Tom Petty song to title each episode? I know, what’s “Cougar Town”? That’s not the point. The point is that you can pretty much use music to explain/accompany any conversation, theme, world event, anything. Which is one of my favorite things to do/one of my most annoying qualities. I can be in an elevator and someone can say something really innocuous like, “Nice sunny day today”, and I’ll start singing “Gonna be a bright, bright sunshiney day” under my breath. I watched a lot of “Cougar Town” about a million years ago when I was going through a breakup and needed something mindless to tune in on, and I had already watched every “Friends” episode at least four or five times (don’t judge). People like to harp on escapism — people like to talk about the importance of being aware, staying informed, being hyper vigilant about the world, your country, your relationships, all of it, everything. And while I am a big advocate of being awake and firmly rooted in reality, I also believe that escapism is not only helpful to living a healthy life, it’s critical. Actually I don’t like the word escapism — seems kind of judgmental. Or maybe that’s leftover from my own self-judgment, worrying that if I take a break, somehow I’m trying to escape something I’m obligated to stay within. Our brains get so tired. The rest of ourselves follow our brains through every loop and winding curve of every thought, and the brain just keeps going even though it’s like a tired little kid who’s being told it HAS to keep going, otherwise we’re in danger, we’ll fall, we’ll miss something, the other shoe will drop!!! The truth is that shoes drop every day. The world is a strange brutal place. The world is also a loving, beautiful place. Therein lies the rub, as they say. (Cue “Rub You the Right Way” by Johnny Gill!) It’s a healthy thing to escape. Watch something sweet. Play a little guitar. Have fun. That’s not frivolous. That’s the thing that makes your battles worthwhile. What I’m saying, other than the fact that whoever created “Cougar Town” was a huge Tom Petty fan, is that I’d like to see folks tuning. Either tuning in or tuning out, however you look at it. Watch a movie. Read a book. Listen to music. Go to a show. Go to my show. The universe awaits.

The future’s so bright…

Apparently, we orbit around the sun every 365 days. I’m about to finish another orbit here on earth, and as I approach my birthday I’m feeling pretty damn grateful and good.

I’ve finished a new album. It’s my favorite work yet. It’s full of joy. Which means I’m full of joy. Which feels good. It’s coming out soon.

Rolling like a wheel, baby...
Rolling like a wheel, baby…

I’ve got a wonderful band of muppets around me, filling my songs with rhythms and sounds I would never imagine on my own. Which feels good.

I’ve got an incredible mate by my side. Which feels good.

I’ve got two amazing muppet dogs. Which feels good.

I’ve got a house, a car, a stovetop coffeemaker that makes good coffee, a waning summer garden that bears the scars of a high yield year, a healthy body, an awesome family, lots of butterflies in my backyard,  and I live in a city I love. Which feels good.

To summarize: I feel good. 

Now go sing some James Brown. xox



It’s Earth Day, butterflies and bees are humming and buzzing, and I’m buzzing too–I’m about to release a new video and single and play a show and it feels gooooood!!


A few weeks ago I had the huge pleasure of shooting a video with my favorite muppets — aka the boys in the band– and being directed by the talented Christopher Ciccone. We rocked, we rolled, we wrapped at 3 a.m.

Christopher giving JP some pointers. "Make love to the bass, JP!"
Christopher giving JP some pointers. “Make love to the bass, JP!”

The thing about being here on earth (ahhh, see what I did? Brought it back to earth day) and doing what you love is that, while you never know what is coming around the corner, you do know the odds are it’s going to be an adventure. And that’s what it’s all about my friends–the adventure. The journey. Charles Bukowski wrote, “Find what you love and let it kill you”. I’m more of the, “Find what you love and let it guide you” school. But either way, you get the point. We’re here for a second. Do what you love. Trust me on this.


And come play with us this Saturday night! Celebrate the birth of a new project!! Dance With Me! xox sarah

Saturday, April 25th
Room 5 Lounge
10 pm
143 N. La Brea Ave
Hollywood, CA for details and tickets