Jealous_coverFrom my debut with mentor/producer Chuck Plotkin (Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan)…”Hash It Out” was THE most fun song to record on the album! We just jammed and jammed, and in the end had to cut something like 160 bars of outro. I’m going to play it at Hotel Cafe on August 12th (see Shows page for details). Hope to see you there! xox Hash It Out Get the album on iTunes..

Snorkeling in the Bahamas..
Snorkeling in the Bahamas..
Now that I have that ditty from “The Little Mermaid” stuck in your head–and mine–for the day, let me explain. I grew up on boats. I’m still spending time around boats. My dad designs boats. I feel a little uncomfortable if I’m too far away from the ocean–lived in Austin, Texas for five years and loved it, but felt too land-locked.
Beowulf, my dad's design that I apprenticed boat building on, and crewed through the Pacific to New Zealand.
Beowulf, my dad’s design that I apprenticed boat building on, and crewed through the Pacific to New Zealand.
And though the water and life afloat on it is imprinted on my body and soul, and though I crave it and it influences everything about me, including–or maybe especially–my songwriting, I still get seasick. Every passage takes me a couple days to get my sea legs. I bump my head and stub my toe on things and curse. The hot aluminum decks burn my feet.
This was taken as I was flying in to visit my folks on their 83-foot design, Wind Horse.
This was taken as I was flying in to visit my folks on their 83-foot design, Wind Horse.
Just like life! And at the end of the day, as the sun sets fire to the sky and you sit and listen to the swish of water against the hull and drink something cool while the light changes, you feel so very good. Just like life. xox sunset2010

You’re welcome. coconuticecream_smallOkay, here’s the deal. Those of us who may have a tough time digesting ice cream still deserve the creamy goodness of frozen yum in the summer months! This recipe is so easy it’s almost criminal NOT to make it. Three ingredients. THREE! And done. Organic Gluten-Free (duh) Vanilla Coconut Ice Cream Put on some tunes! Yesterday’s soundtrack was “Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke. I loved it! Until I realized that the lyrics are basically celebrating date rape. Ah well, what’re you gonna do.. photo
  • 1 can (14 oz.) coconut milk — I used low fat but the full cream is awesome
  • 1/2 cup organic evaporated cane juice (sugar)
  • 1 tsp. pure vanilla
Mix the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until well incorporated, then pour into your ice cream maker for about 25 minutes. Put in a freezer safe container and freeze for a few hours. Done! Delish! xox p.s. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you should. They’re cheap and easy. (Insert joke here.) But you can also mix all the ingredients and skip the ice cream maker step. Just stir the mixture every half hour or so while it’s freezing.