lorde-billboard-650-430This 15-year-old Kiwi girl has captured my heart. Her song “Royals” off her debut EP is amazing. I don’t know what you were doing when you were 15, but I sure wasn’t writing amazing songs about bling-obsessed youth culture and class divisions all wrapped up in awesome melodies, harmonies and beats! Makes me excited to imagine what she’ll be like in 10 years with more experience under her belt/heart… Well done! Song of the season in my opinion. xox Listen to “Royals”:

Rain DanceNope, it hasn’t rained yet. But it is early September, the light is fading and the heat wave has broken, which brings with it the promise of (subtle) autumn here in Los Angeles. It’s more than enough to share with you a song off my recent album: “Better Than This Morning”. The song starts with the lines, “Rain is here, early September / Falling lightly, I remember / How we used to sit and laugh / drink our coffee, make our plans”. So drink your coffee and make your plans. Feel your feelings and ride the seasons! xox Better Than This Morning

watermelon2When it’s this hot all I want is watermelon. No ovens, no baking, no starch. Just juice, crisp, sweet, hooray. 3 Piece Watermelon Salad
  • 1/2 watermelon, sliced how you like it
  • 2-3 tsps. chopped fresh mint
  • juice of one lime
Mix it up, eat! How easy is that? The tartness of a little lime juice balances out the sweet crisp of watermelon flavor, and the mint is just a clean surprise. Good for breakfast lunch or dinner! (I had it for breakfast this morning.) xox watermelon1 watermelon3